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Sample Holding Clips & Stands

Sample Holding Clips & Stands
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Used to hold thin samples on edge for encapsulation. Use metal for hot compression mounting, and plastic for cold mounting. Clips with stand-offs isolate the sample, eliminating gaps or air bubbles at the clip/sample interface.

Item# Item Name Qty Add
205-10000 Sample Holding Clips, Stainless Steel Coil (Pk/100)
205-10005 Sample Holding Clips, Plastic Coil (Pk/100)
205-10050 Sample Holding Clips, Plastic Coil (Pk/1000)
205-10200 Sample Holding Spring Clips, Clear Plastic w/Standoffs, (Pk/100)
205-10205 Sample Holding Spring Clips, Multi-Colored Plastic w/Standoffs, (Pk/100)
205-10300 Sample Holding Stands, Blue Base, Four (4) 1 mm wide positions (Pk/100)
205-10305 Sample Holding Stands, Gray Base, Four (4) 2 mm wide positions (Pk/100)
205-10310 Sample Holding Stands, White Base, Three (3) 3 mm wide positions (Pk/100)

Extended Information:

This product can be used with mounting machines/systems offered by Allied and other manufacturers. Browse our machines >>

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