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Dense, non-woven, planarized textile for use with diamond (6-0.25 micron). Provides good removal rates and edge retention on a wide variety of materials.

Item# Item Name Qty Add
85-150-100 Pan-B Adhesive Back Disc, 8" (Pk/10)
85-150-105 Pan-B Adhesive Back Disc, 10" (Pk/10)
85-150-110 Pan-B Adhesive Back Disc, 12" (Pk/10)
85-500-100 Pan-B Flexible Back Magnetic System Disc, 8" (Pk/5)
85-500-105 Pan-B Flexible Back Magnetic System Disc, 10" (Pk/5)
85-500-110 Pan-B Flexible Back Magnetic System Disc, 12" (Pk/5)

Extended Information:

This product can be used with grinders and polishers offered by Allied and other manufacturers. Browse our machines >>

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