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Phenolic Preforms

Phenolic Preforms
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Hot compression mounting is an economical method of encapsulating samples that can withstand the pressure and heat of the mounting process.

Phenolic preforms require no measuring, are cleaner than loose powder, and are easier to use. PRODUCT USE INSTRUCTIONS HOT MOUNTING PRODUCTS GUIDE SAFETY DATA SHEET

Item# Item Name Qty Add
135-20005 Phenolic Preforms, Black, for 1.25" or 30 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-20010 Phenolic Preforms, Green, for 1.25" or 30 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-20015 Phenolic Preforms, Red, for 1.25" or 30 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-30005 Phenolic Preforms, Black, for 1.5" or 40 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-30010 Phenolic Preforms, Green, for 1.5" or 40 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-30015 Phenolic Preforms, Red, for 1.5" or 40 mm Mold (Pk/500)
135-40005 Phenolic Preforms, Black, for 2" or 50 mm Mold (Pk/100)

Extended Information:

This product can be used with mounting machines/systems offered by Allied and other manufacturers. Browse our machines >>

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