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Schott Coldvision Series

Schott Coldvision Series
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The Coldvision ACE light sources are an economical choice providing up to 150 W of halogen illumination via numerous light-guide options. Variable intensity control allows adjustment of light output. Includes standard EKE bulb.

Item# Item Name Qty Add
120-A20520 Schott Cold Vision Light Source, 150 Watt Halogen for 115 VAC with Iris Diaphragm and EKE Bulb
120-A20990 Light Source, ColdVision MC-LS LED, 115V AC, 850 lm
120-A08615 Polarizer/Analyzer for #120-A08680 Ringlight
120-A08635 Ringlight, 38/53 mm ID, Vertical Exit
120-A08632 Polarizer/Analyzer for #120-A08635 Ringlight
120-A08500 Light Guide, Dual Gooseneck, for Fostec Light Source, 0.300" Input Diameter, 18" Gooseneck
120-EKE Bulb, Halogen, 21 V, 150W, for Schott "Ace" Light Sources

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