
Consumables > Grinding & Polishing > Polishing Cloths > Napped (Flocked) Polishing Cloths
Napped (Flocked) Cloths - Made from various length fibers and fabric stiffness, they are used for final polishing as the flock pattern "brushes" the sample to clean and remove intermediate and coarse polishing scratches. Stiff/rigid fibers are commonly used for polishing soft metals and materials.

Backing Types:

Adhesive: Each disc is secured to an individual, dedicated platen using its adhesive backing. Removal and reapplication of these cloths is discouraged, because it reduces adhesion to the platen. Adhesive backed polishing cloths are an economical choice, though they require that one platen be dedicated to each cloth until it is worn and needs replacement.

Flexible: Each disc features a flexible backing that will adhere to magnetized platen surfaces. Multiple discs can be used with one magnetized platen, reducing the number of platens needed for each procedure, machine, or lab. Flexible backed polishing cloths can be stored in reclosable bags and labeled to prevent cross-contamination.

Rigid: Each disc features a rigid steel backing that will adhere to magnetized platen surfaces. Multiple discs can be used with one magnetized platen, reducing the number of platens needed for each procedure, machine, or lab. Rigid discs are better suited for applications that utilize alcohol based suspensions, slurries, and lubricants, where prolonged polishing times are needed (EBSD), or in high force applications that generate more heat. The backing offers corrosion resistance, high stiffness, and a rounded, burr-free edge for safer handling. Note: Not available on all cloths

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